Collages and Digital Effects
The art in photography  

For me, photography is like quick art. The canvas is the physical world. The pigments have are already been applied, but they are always changing. Every passing moment is opportunity to capture something new and wonderful - the sun casting different colors from morning to evening, the changing seasons provide tempo, the expression of someone's face in a group - all can be captured in the camera's eye. But you have to decide the exact moment

Being in the right place, at the right moment, and knowing what to capture are the critical components.

After some good rolls have been developed, digital effects can be applied or collages can be made. Creativity lies in which digital effects to apply and how to surgically cut and paste. Some consider this cheating, but to start, you need to take good photos. And for me, that makes photography a form of art.



Old fashion cameras - the film type


No digital camera yet. For all the photos here, I have used either an Olympus "point-and-click" camera (automatic, water resistant, takes great photos with 400 speed or higher film) or a Ricoh XR-P camera (good for manual, trick photography - ghost images, slow shutter speed).

For a ridiculously large image (high quality), click on the thumbnail picture.