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In these discussions the the concept of a matrix may be considered an extension of the vector-array of numbers introduced in the previous volume. There the algebraic properties of arrays were discussed first and then geometric applications were introduced. The algebraic nature of matrices are discussed first below after Section 1. Some geometric applications will be given in a later chapter.

In this volume the assistance of the computer is used. Click on   Computer (name)   to go to a page where programs can be run. Then click on the   name   of the program for computer action.

Volume E   Chapter 1
Tables, Matrices and Determinants

Section 1:   Tables

The idea of a matrix starts here with a table. Twelve people form a class of students. They could be seated in a long row of 12 chairs, but it is more convenient to seat them in shorter rows behind rows, say three rows and four chairs in each row. Then the following table of names shows where each of the 12 people is located:
			Jim	Sally	Rich	Frances
	T		Bob	Jack	Rose	Violet
			Joseph	Bill	Ann	June
The table has size 3 rows and 4 columns which is written   3x4. All tables are rectangular. The table has a name T. The names of the people are called entries of the table.

Sometimes natural numbers are supplied to indicate the row numbers and column numbers, but they are not part of the table. They are used in pairs to locate any entry.

	 		   1	   2	   3	   4		

		 1	Jim	Sally	Rich	Frances
	T	 2	Bob	Jack	Rose	Violet
		 3	Joseph	Bill	Ann	June
The notation   [2,4] denotes a location of an entry in some table, namely in row 2 and in column 4. Then this fact can be written:
Violet is sitting at location [2,4] in table T
In general, [i,j] denotes the entry in row   i   and column   j.   The first number i in [i,j] always denotes the row number; the second number j always denotes the column number.

Consider the following table S as another class in another room with chairs arranged the same way, 3 rows with 4 chairs in each row. In this class the following people occupy the chairs:

			John	Steve	Ed	Florence
	S		Nancy	Agnes	Lilly	Jack
			Quincy	Vance	Peter	Lem
Then table S has the same size 3x4 as table T. Also also true is the following:
Jack is sitting at location [2,4] in table S
Then Violet and Jack occupy corresponding locations in the two tables. The following is the general definition:
Two entries (actually their names) are in corresponding locations in two tables of the same size, if they are in rows with the same number and in columns with the same number.
Violet and Jack are in corresponding locations because both Violet and Jack are in location [2,4] (rows with number 2, columns with number 4). Often entries in corresponding locations are themselves called corresponding entries.

The following is an important yet natural defintion:

[1.1] (Equal tables) Two tables are said to be equal if and only if:
  (a) they have the same size;
  (b) all pairs of corresponding entries are equal.

If R is the table

			John	Steve	Ed	Florence
	R		Nancy	Agnes	Lilly	Jack
			Quincy	Vance	Peter	Lem
then   R = S.

Notice that the equality between R and S means the equality between 3x4=12 corresponding entries.

But if Q is the table

			John	Steve	Ed	Florence
	Q		Nancy	Donna	Lilly	Jack
			Quincy	Vance	Peter	Carol

then Q and S are not equal because entries at locations [2,2] and at locations [3,4] are not equal:
Agnes ≠ Donna    and    Lem ≠ Carol

If two different persons are asked to exchange positions, then by definition [1.1] a different table is produced. The notation
[1,3] ↔ [3,1]
means that entries in those location are exchanged. If the table is Q then Ed and Quincy take each others chair. On the other hand the notation
row1 ↔ row3
means to interchange row 1 and row 3. If the table is Q the result is a new table W:
			Quincy	Vance	Peter	Caro
	W		Nancy	Donna	Lilly	Jack
			John	Steve	Ed	Florence

The notation

column 2 ↔ column4
means to interchange column 2 and column 4. If the table is Q the result is a new table X:
			John	Florence   Ed	Steve
	X		Nancy	Jack	Lilly	Donna
			Quincy	Carol	Peter	Vance

If the number of rows in a table is equal to the number of columns then the table is said to be square. For example, the table

			Sally	Rich	Frances
	P		Jack	Rose	Violet
			Bill	Ann	June
is square because number of rows and the number of columns are both 3. For square tables it is possible to interchange rows and columns: row 1 becomes column 1, row 2 becomes column 2, and row 3 becomes column 3. This type of interchange is called a transposition. The transposition of table P is
			Sally	Jack	Bill
	P'		Rich	Rose	Ann
			Frances	Violet	June
Table P' is called the transpose of table P.

Notice that the operation of transposition does not move the entries Sally, Rose, June. Imagine a diagonal line is drawn through the three entries. The three entries are said to lie on the main diagonal of the table P. The three entries Frances, Rose, Bill lie on the secondary diagonal of table P.

Section 2:   Matrices and Addition

If all the entries in a table are numbers then the table has many mathematical properties. Some of which will be discussed in the remainder of this volume. A matrix is a table in which all entries are numbers. Most often the numbers will be integers but fractions and decimals may be in some matrices.
All the discussions of tables in the previous section apply to every matrix.
In adjacent Fig 1 are two matrices A and B of size 2x3. Click here for an optional discussion of the form of a matrix stored in a file.

Consider the following three sets of linear equations in two unknowns:

5x + y = 9		5u + v = 9		5α + β = 9				A
3x + 2y = 11		3u + 2v = 11		3α + 2β = 11
Matrix A contains the same essential information from each set of equations. Intuitively speaking it is a abbreviated form of the equations; what is done to the equations may be done to the rows of matrix A. For example, during the process of solving the equations, for each set multiply the top equation by 2 and subtract the bottom equation from the result. A similar operation may be done on the rows of matrix A. The solutions to the equations are:

x = 1			u = 1			α = 1	
y = 4			v = 4			β = 4
The three pairs of equations are the same except for the letters. So are the three pairs of solutions. These facts indicate that the letters play a minor role. Click here for an optional discussion of using just the rows of the matrix containing only integers to find the solution containing only integers.

The top row of matrix A forms a 1x3 matrix   (5 1 9). Similarly, the matrix of row 2 is   (3 2 11). These are equivalent to the vector arrays

u = (5,1,9)     and    v = (3,2,11)
Similarly, the row vectors of matrix B are
s = (4,-1,3)     and    t = (2,6,-4)

Vector addition of vector arrays was defined in the previous volume as the addition of corresponding coordinats:

addition of row 1 vectors of A and B = u + s = (5+4,1-1,9+3) = (9,0,12)
addition of row 2 vectors of A and B = v + t = (3+2,2+6,11-4) = (5,8,7)

Then the sum of matrices A and B will be the matrix with row 1 = (9,0,12) and row 2 = (5,8,7), see Fig 2.

The sum of the two matrices was obtained by adding corresponding coordinates of the vectors. But those corresponding coordinates are also corresponding entries in the matrices A and B. This idea leads to the following definition, which is the first step toward making conformable matrices an additive group:

[2.1a] (Conformable matrices) Two matrices are conformable for addition if they all have exactly the same size.
[2.1b] (Addition of matrices) The sum of two matrices conformable for addition is obtained by adding corresponding entries.
Notation: If A and B denote conformable matrices then A + B denotes the matrix that is their sum.

When no confusion may arise, the phrase "for addition" in the full phrase "conformable for addition" will often be be omitted in this section. (In a later section there will be the phrase "conformable for multiplication".)
The first part [2.1a] gives the condition that matrices may be added. If the sizes are different then they cannot be combined. The second part [2.1b] tells how to add conformable matrices.

The set of all vector arrays of the same size form a commutative additive group. Using that fact with row vectors it is not difficult to prove that the set of all conformable matrices form a commutative additive group. The zero vector with all coordinates equal to zero is the additive identity for vectors. Therefore, the zero matrix 0 with all entries equal to zero is the additive identity for all conformable matrices. Here 0 denotes the zero matrices of any size. The addditive inverse of a vector array is obtained by negating all the coordinates. Then the additive inverse of a matrix is obtained by negating all of its entries.

[2.2] (Additive group of matrices) The set of all conformable matrices is a commutative additive group.

The conformable matrices with addition inherits the additive group properties directly from its numerical entries.


The product of a number and a vector is obtained by multiplying each coordinate by the given number. This is true for row vectors. This fact motivataes the following definition:

[2.3] (multiplication by a number) The product of a number and a matrix is (a matrix) obtained by multiplying every entry by that number.
Notation: λA where λ is any (real) number.

Unlike addition of two matrices, multiplication of a number and a matrix can always be performed. No need to talk about conformability. However, no attempt is made to define the sum of a number and a matrix (not 1x1).

If A is the matrix in Fig 1, the reader can compute A + A + A and 3A separately to obtain the same matrix.. Similarly, B + B = 2B.

There are two distributive laws:

[2.4a] (Left distributive law) For any number λ and any pair of conformable matrices A and B,

λ(A + B) = λA + λB.

[2.4b] (Right distributive law) For any numbers λ and σ and any matrix A,

(λ + σ)A = λA + σA.

Let the reader verify that

3(A + B) = 3A + 3B
(2 + 3)A = 2A + 3A
where matrices A and B are given in Fig 1.

The above statements guarantee that conformable matrices form a vector space. But this fact will not be used. Also, the dot and vector products of two matrices are not defined here, nor is the absolute value of a matrix.

Section 3:   Determinants

A matrix is said to be square if the number of its rows equals the number of its columns. All 2x2, 3x3, 4x4,...matrices are square. From the entries of any square matrix a special number can be calculated, called the determinant value of that matrix. The single term determinant may be used. Determinants have important applications in mathematics, both pure and applied.
If M is a square matrix then   det M   or   det (M)   denotes that special determinant value of M.
In many discussions the determinant value of a square matrix will be obtained using the computer, because there may be much arithmetic computation involved if the size of the matrix is 3x3, and exceedingly much computation for sizes larger than 3x3. However, the computer has its limitatons (imposed by the maximum size of integers). To remain within those limits all entries in most matrices are between -99 and +99. Also in most discussions, the matrices are of sizes 2x2 and 3x3, although the computer can produce the determinant values for some (but not all) matrices of sizes between 4x4 and 12x12.

The computer assigns the determinant values 5,-42,41,118, 1,1,1 to the following matrices T,U,V,W, I2,I3,I4:
Fig 3

det T = 5,       det U = -42,       det V = 41,       det W = 118,       det I2 = 1,       det I3 = 1,       det I4 = 1
I2,I3,I4 are special matrices called identity matrices. Their use will appear in later discussions.

Click here for a discussion that shows how to obtain the determinant value by hand using a method called "cross-hatch." That method is limited to matrices with sizes 2x2 and 3x3. (There is a method called "expansion by minors" that will produce the determinant value of a 4x4 matrix using 3x3 matrices. The interested reader may go online and ask Google about the expansion.) For matrices with sizes larger than 3x3 computer must be used, and will also be used on the smaller matrices.

To call for the computer to compute the determinant value of a square matrix, click on (Computer (GetDetValue). Then click on the program   GetDetValue. The program will ask where the data is located, in a file (F) or if you will type it in using the keyboard (K). Answer with K. The computer will need to know the size of the matrix: type 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or any size les than 13x13. Then type in the entries, one at a time, followed by pressing the enter key each time. When finished the computer will output the matrix and its determinant value. When finished with the answer press enter again to remove black window. Repeated use of the same program may be done by clicking on it again. When finished with the program, click on the red rectangle with the white X in the center at the upper right of the screen. For practice use the computer to find the determinant values of matrices T,U,V,W and some of the identity matrices in Fig 3 above.

Matrices and their determinant values can be used to solve some linear equations. Given the equations:

2x + 3y + z = 14
x + 2y + 4z = 12
3x - y + 3z = 6
find the solutions for x,y,z.

From these three equations four 3x3 matrices are formed:

Matrix D contains all the numerical coefficients in the same order as in the system of equations. Therefore, D is called the coefficient matrix. The other three matrices are obtained from D by replacing columns by the column of numerical terms on the right side of the equations (*), namely, in N1 column 1 has been replaced by the column of numerical terms, in N2 column 2 has been replaced by the column of numerical terms, and in N3 column 3 has been replaced by the column of numerical terms,

The computer assigns determinant values as follows:

det(D) = 40,                 det(N1) = 80,                     det(N2) = 120,                     det(N3) = 40
Cramer's rule says to divide each of the determinant values for N1, N2, N3 by the determinant value for D to get values for x,y,z respectively:
x = det(N1)/det(D)   = 80/40 = 2,          y = det(N2)/det(D)   = 120/40 = 3,          z = det(N3)/det(D)   = 40/40 = 1
The reader can verify that these values are correct by substituting them into the equations (*).

The following equations have only two unknowns:

3x + 2y = 5
2x +3y = 0
D again is the coefficient matrix. The determinant values of all three matrices can be computed by hand. Notice how zero in N1 and N2 makes the computation less for finding the determinant values.

       det(D) =(3)(3) - (2)(2) = 5                det(N1) = (5)(3) - (0)(2) = 15                det(N2) = (3)(0) - (2)(5) = -10.
                            x = det(N1)/det(D)   =15/5 = 3;                          y = det(N2)/det(D)   = -10/5 = -2.

The determinant value of a square matrix may be any number, positive or negative or even zero. If the determinant value is zero then the square matrix is called singular. Also a matrix is non-singular if the determinant value of the square matrix is not zero. In finding the values of the unknows in the above equations quotients were formed det(N1)/det(D),  det(N2)/det(D)   .... with the determinant value of D as the denominator in each quotient. The coefficient matrices for both systems of equations were non-singular. Therefore, solutions could be found. This discussion supports the following statement. Cramer's rule supplies a proof of it.

[3.1a] (Existence of a proper solution) If the coefficient matrix of a system of n linear equations in n unknowns is non-singular then a unique solution exists.

But if the coefficient matrix is singular then the quotients cannot be evaluated because division by zero is not allowed. The coefficient matrices of the following pairs of equations are identical and singular:

x + 2y = 8                            x + 2y = 8
x + 2y = 9                            x + 2y = 8
A solution to the equation   x + 2y = 8   is x=4, y=2; It is not a solution to the second equation   x + 2y = 9. The equations are inconsistent because they say that 8=9 (8 and 9 both equal x+2y). No solution can satisfy both equations. But in the second pair of equations the solutions are infinitely many: x=4, y=2 ,   x=0, y=4,   x=8, y=0,...and more.
The first system of equations represent parallel but distinct lines. There is no point of intersection, because that would be a solution. The second system of equations represents coincident lines. Every point on them is a point of intersection.
It can be proven that

[3.1b] (No unique solution) If the coefficient matrix of a system of n linear equations in n unknowns is singular then either there is no solution or there are infinitely many solutions.

The singularity of the coefficient matrix predicts indicates that it is not worthwhile to try to solve the equations using the familiar methods. Furthermore, it is the values numerator determinants det(N1), det(N2), ... can be used to determine the number of solutions: none or many solutions.

Theorems [3.1a] and [3.1b] provide a reason for the name "determinant": it (the determinant value of the coefficient matrix) determines whether a system of linear equations may have a unique solution or not..


Recall from the last volume that   u = (4,1,2) , v = (1,2,3), w=(14,7,12)   may be considered as vectors in space. Using their coordinates as entries, they bcome row vectors in a 3x3 matrix

The determinant value of M can be computed either by hand or using the computer.:   det(M) = 0. The following theorem applies here.

[3.2a] (Dependent rows of a matrix) A square matrix is singular if and only if its rows are linearly dependent.

This theorem says that the singularity of M guarantees the existence of numbers   α, β, γ not all zero satisfying:

αu + βv + γw = 0
For these vectors the equation is:
3u + 2vw = 0
The theorem does not specify these coefficients   3,2,-1   but says only that they exist and that some or all are not zero, nothing more.

On the other hand the vectors   computation will show that if the vectors are   a = (1,4,8), b = (-2,1,5), c = (-3,2,4)   then the equation

αa + βb + γc = 0
forces all the coefficients to equal zero:   α = β = γ = 0.   This means that the vectors   a,b,c   are linearly independent. But these vectors are row vectors in the matrix U in Fig 3 above. Since that matrix is non-singular (-42) the following theorem guarantees that the vectors are linearly independent, without the computation that shows the coefficients are forced to being zero.

[3.2b] (Independent rows of a matrix) A square matrix is non-singular if and only if its rows are linearly independent.

The proofs of [3.2a] and [3.2b] will be discussed later:.
The determination of the singularity of a square matrix using the computer can save much work in determining the linear dependence or independence of vectors., which are also row vectors of the matrix.

Click here to see a related topic about the determinant and homogeneous equations.


There are several useful properties of determinants that are useful in various discussions. They are proven for determinants of 3x3 matrices, the proof for 2x2 matrices is almost trivial. The theorems are true for all square matrices, but proofs are not given here.

[3.3] (Transpose equal value) The determinant values of any square matrix and its transpose are equal.

Let M be any 3x3 matrix and M' its transpose. See adjacent figure. The cross-hatch method produces the following expressions:
   det(M) = aek + bfg + cdh − ceg − afh − bdk
   det(M') = aek + dhc +gbf − gec − ahf − dbk
Except for the order of the products, each term in   det(M)   is equal to a term in   det(M').

The proof for any 2x2 matrix and its transpose is even easier. The reader can produce that proof.

Based on [3.3] is the intuitive statement "what is true for rows of a matrix is also true for columns." For example

[3.4a] (Row of zeros) If every entry in a row of a square matrix is zero, then the determinant value of the matrix is zero.
[3.4b] (Column of zeros) If every entry in a column of a square matrix is zero, then the determinant value of the matrix is zero.

The point is that a proof of [3.4b] is not needed if a valid proof of [3.4a] is exists.
The cross hatch method passes diagonal lines through every row. Therefore, each product-term in computing the determinant value has a zero in it. A sum of six zeros is still zero. (For a determinant with two rows of entries, the sum of two zeros is still zero.)

However, linear dependent rows of a square matrix show that a determinant value can be zero without any zero entries in the matrix. See above.