Linux and UNIX school
A great deal of my work experience included Linux and UNIX (*nix). My interest with *nix started at an Internet company in 2000; it continued to develop with my time at Intel, years at UTC Aerospace Systems, and now the work I do for Techborder. I want to share with others my knowledge and love for *nix.
Linux vs. Windows. Which Operating System do I think is better?
Linux cookbook from David Regal.
UNIX User Basics from Uziel at
Computer Networks
Diagram: DNS and how Web Pages are found (by David Regal, jpeg format, 65KB)
Paper: A Briefer History of the Internet (by David Regal, MS Word format, 25 KB) adapted from History of the Internet.
Note: In all my writings and diagrams, KIS plan (Keep It Simple) has been followed. That is, there may be small details or minor technicalities I have left out.