Section 1.0 In this folder are executable programs to accompany the discussions in the main text. If they are not already there, they should be downloaded into a folder (suggested name - C:\graphs) on your hard disk. For many programs a text file called FILEIN.TXT will be needed.

Program 1.1a Convert Notation
Before running this program (create if nexessary and) place into the textfile FILEIN.TXT the notation for a labeled graph in the form of a dash notation, an adjacency list (rows) or an adjacency array (with spaces between clusters). Remember to insert a pair of zeros to indicate end of data. The program will process the data and output new data in the form of the an adjacency array and the dash notation in a file called FILEOUT.TXT. You will see the number of links (including pseudo-links) input from FILEIN and output to FILEOUT on the screen. Press the Enter key to terminate program.

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