INPUT-DATA FORMAT OF INPUT-DATA everything between brackets [.......................] [U Graph with undirected links (Ugraph) [D Graph with directed links (Digraph) [ W Graph with weights on links [T Tree without weights (sequence of parents, root has zero parent) Name of graph "...." nodes 1,...,N in parentheses, no comma before ending bracket ] without weights short adjacency array [U"...." (1),list of all neighborsgreater than 1, (2),list of all neighborsgreater than 2, ..., (N)] long adjacency array (seldom used) [U"...." (1),list of all neighbors of 1, (2),list of all neighbors of 2, ....., (N),list of al neighbors of N] with weights short adjacency array [UW"...." (1),list of all neighbors greater than 1, #weight on link from node 1 to first neighbor,weight on link from node 1 to second neighbor,...,weight on link from node 1 to last neighbor, (2),list of all neighbors greater than 2, #weight on link from node 2 to first neighbor,weight on link from node 2 to second neighbor,...,weight on link from node 2 to last neighbor, ............ (N)] long adjacency array with weights, not recommended