Dijkstra's Algorithm with A,B,LOC N = Nnodes I,J,K=nodes H=links Matrix D[I][J] = W[T] If nodes I,J are linked then there is a link T such that I=A[T] and J=B[T]. If nodes I,J are not linked (no T exists) then D[I][J] = infinity See subprogram below **** if it returns zero change that to MX (very large number) Step 0 All nodes J receive temporary labels L[J] with value equal to D[1][J] (J=2,3, ..., N). if nodes 1,J not linked, then D[1][J]= infinity. for J=2,...,N, L[J] = D[1][J] /* initialize L[] */ for J=1,..,N L[J]=MX; /* to cover nodes not linked to node 1 */ /* to conver nodes linked to node 1 */ H=1; while (A[H]==1) {J=B[H]; L[[J]=W[H]; H++;} Step 1 M=MX; I=1,..,N if (L[I]