Description of "Intuitive Mathematics" The outermost file is a simple text file. It is made up of six major files, Volume_A, Volume_B, Volume_C, Volume_D, Volume_E, Volume_F and an appexdix file, ZAppendix. The reader is asked not to disturb or enter these files directly. However, the reader can access the material that introduces some parts of mathematics in an intuitive yet instructive way by clicking on the HTML file "Discussions of Mathematics." This will give access to 6 different branches of mathematics (i.e. contained in the six volumes mentioned earlier). Each volume is divided into chapters, accessed by clicking on the desired volume. Then any chapter is accessed by clicking on the chapter and its number. This leads to a single html file bears the chapter name (but actually has the name text.htm). Thus the chapter is actually a folder with text.htm and some other htm files, admat (additional material), exer (exercises), answers (to exercises).