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Algebraic Method for Finding Maxflow through DiGraph in Fig G

G=G1; Let x = Maxflow. Then x enters node 1 and exits node 6. Let y = flow through link 1→2   and let z be the flow through link 3→6. Then flow through link 1→4 must be x - y   and the flow through link 5→6 must be x - z.

The flow through link 2→3 must equal the flow through link 1→2, that is y   and the flow through link 4→5 must equal the flow through link 5→6, that is x - z.
The inflow y into node 3 must equal the total outflow, so the flow through link 3→4 must be y - z for this to be true. Notice then that the total inflow into node 4 does equal the outflow x - z.

The flow through link 2→3 cannot be more than the capacity of that link. Therefore,

(A)    y8
Likewise, the flow through link 1→4 cannot be more than its capacity. This means that x - y7 which is equivalent to
(B)    xy + 7
From (A) and (B) follows (C):
(C)    x15
The flow through link 3→6 cannot be more than its capacity. This means that
(D)    z5

Replace the weak inequalities in (A),(C) and (D) by equalities

     x = 15,    y = 8,    z = 5,   
Find the flow through each link by substituting these values for x,y,z in the corresponding expressions in Fig G2 to get Fig G3. The fact that
total inflow = total outflow
is true at every node, the flow through each link is not more than the capacity, together with (C) means that
x = 15
is the maximum flow through the graph.