FORMAT OF UGRAPH DATA ARRAY in file GraphArrayN.jpg where N is the chapter number A character array containing the short adjacency array plus more The entire array is enclosed between brackets [ ]. Immediately after the left bracket is the capital letter U Space then name of the graph between quote marks ("NAME"). Comma and spaces optional, usually one. Parentheses surround each node number (but not its neighbors) Comma after parenthese, except if right parentheses comes last before bracket ]. Then )] are together After node in parentheses neighbors, larger than the node number in parentheses, listed horizontally in numerical order, comma after each neighbor. If no neighbors with larger numbers, then blanks may occur, usually one At the end of the list of bigger neighbors, there is the comma and blanks may occur, usually one. Note: the node with the largest label is always last in the array, and has no larger neighbors. After its right parentheses, there is no comma, only the bracket: )] Note: Each node label appears exactly once in the parentheses. No nodes are isolated. Example: [U "1.9", (1),2,3,7, (2),4,6, (3),4,5,6,9, (4),8,10, (5),6,9,11, (6),8,11, (7),9 , (8),11,12, (9), (10), (11),12, (12)]