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program to evaluate a determinant
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Chapter 3

In this chapter most matrices under discussion will have to be square, all the way from 2x2 up to and including 13x13. Computations with larger matrices are possible, but may cause rollover problems with counters in computer programs. However, computer programs to accompany discussions in this chapter are very useful to avoid the tedious computations involving matrices larger than 3x3, and even with 3x3 matrices considerable arithmetic computation are involved.

There are processes that work on a square matrix and "squeez out" a single number. Since matrices in these discussions contain only integers, the process produces a single integer. The evaluation the determinant of a matrix produces a single number. If the matrix is a matrix of coefficients of N linear equations with N unknows, the number is zero if the equations cannot be solved to give the familiar single solution. If the determinant is not zero, then there is that single solution. So the determinant is well-named for this purpose. After further discussion the reader may want to get the program for evaluating determinants. Then click on the link at the beginning of this chapter entitled "program to evaluate a determinant."

But a discussion about the evaluation is needed. Below is a 4x4 matrix (in black letters with subscripts):

                                 1       2       3       4
                       a       a1      a2      a3      a4
                       b       b1      b2      b3      b4
                       c       c1      c2      c3      c4
                       d       d1      d2      d3      d4

Products will be formed using a b c d in that order, and attaching subscripts. In row a pick any element, say a3. In the b row pick another element not below a3, say b1. In the c pick an element not under either a3 nor b1, say c4. Finally select d2. The result is the product
This is one of the 24 products that can be formed from this matrix in the manner that no element picked is under any other picked element.